Contact Center Analytics
from Research Optimus

Contact centers and help desks are one of the most important parts of both selling and delivering customer service that improves satisfaction. Call centers of all types are the first stop that customers and potential customers use when they contact your business, and as such they represent a key and valuable component in obtaining and maintaining your customers.

But tracking the productivity of these centers can be difficult, which is why contact center analytics are so important to the long-term success of your organization. Using qualitative and quantitative data we can provide actionable analytics for both speech and performance to improve the operations of your center.

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How Contact Center Analytics Can Be Used to Track Performance

There are ample ways to track performance in a contact center. Using the right analytical tools and data collection methods, your company can:

Calculate resolution rates.

Gauge customer service success.

Spot and save dissatisfied customers.

Calculate the revenue per call center agent.

Figure out average vs. ideal call times.

Analyze cost per each contact and more.

Your company can look at this data, analyze overall performance, and better gauge profitability within the company. You can monitor each and every one of the individuals working in your contact center and ensure that they are working at peak efficiency, as well as spot anyone that stands out for excellent or poor performance.

Monitoring Contact Center Analytics

Contact center metrics are a crucial part of any industry that utilizes a contact center – especially those in IT, retail, and more. At Research Optimus, we help companies just like yours set up data collection tools, monitor data, and analyze performance. We employ experts in contact center performance evaluation, with years of experience working with all types of industries, and we guarantee accurate results with your contact center analytics.

We use the newest available analysis tools, and combine our knowledge of R, SAS, SPSS, SPSS Text mining, Speech Mining, and MS Excel to deliver results to your company. We're positive that we can analyze results and give you complete reports on past, current, and future projected performance.

Contact Center Analytics Services and Benefits from Research Optimus

As a contact center analytics service provider, we will ensure the following tools are used to benefit your company:

  • AHT Reduction

    We help you identify ways to reduce the average handling time of a customer.

  • P4S (Pay for Support)

    Cost of providing customer service to the bottom line and how it can be improved.

  • VOC (Voice of Customer)

    We analyze the ability to capture the customer's needs and expectations and use that data to improve numerous aspects of your business.

  • Voice Analytics

    We will research identification methods on voice data from customer calls to better understand your audience.

  • Customer Satisfaction

    We can successfully measure the Happiness/Satisfaction level with a company or its products.

  • Data Preparation

    We offer error checking and organization of contact center databases.

  • Pattern Recognition

    We bring with us the ability to find patterns within datasets for analysis that will benefit your bottom line.

  • Decision Trees

    We can generate graphs that allow for decision making based on predictive outcomes.

  • Segmentation

    We can create or locate customer segments within groups of data.

  • Data Layout and Quality Checking

    Database checking for quality and accuracy.

  • Logistic Regression

    We will perform regression analysis based on predefined criterion variables.

  • Factor Analysis

    We use various methods of discovering factors or components of larger customer groups.

  • Principle Component Analysis

    Offers similar benefits to factor analysis for customer groupings within your industry.

  • Predictive Analytics

    We’ll help you better understand what to expect through predictive modeling in your business.

  • Customer Analytics

    We help you to better understand the customer based on purchase research.

  • Text Analytics

    We will take customer text and information and turn it into data that can be used within your contact center.

  • Trend Analysis

    We offer study and analysis of trends from previous customer data.

  • Customer Intelligence

    We analyze and present data within the context of knowledge a company has about customer needs.

Our strategies are designed to use performance and speech analytics to provide you with better models for creating customer satisfaction and improving business fundamentals.

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Contact us today to learn more. Find out why our confidential services at affordable costs are so highly valued by companies all over the world, and why you should turn to us for your contact center monitoring needs.

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