Survey Analytics Services
from Research Optimus

Research Optimus (ROP) is an expert at survey analytics that helps companies gain insights on their customers and prospects. Our white-label survey analytics services are designed for research agencies, MNCs, SMEs, and startups to take advantage of survey data and results to design better marketing campaigns and inform their business strategies.

Located in India, ROP works as an offshore partner for Fortune 5,000 companies from across North America, Europe, and Australia. One of the greatest benefits we deliver is significant cost savings with our research and analytical services through flexible engagement plans.

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Our Survey Analytics Services

  • Data Preparation

    We collect and check data within a database to ensure it is accurate and provides the information you need to take action.

  • Predictive Analytics

    We perform prediction research using historical datasets, allowing us to make strong cases for what we believe will happen for your business in the future.

  • Customer Intelligence

    We help you learn as much about the customer as you can to gain a competitive edge.

  • Pattern Recognition

    We use data to discover patterns within databases and the history of your company, effectively providing you a road map for how you have performed to date.

  • Customer Analytics

    We use survey analytics and other relevant customer research tools to better understand the needs and desires of your existing customers.

  • Data Layout and Quality Checking

    We will check all data within your database for errors or miscalculations that could negatively affect how it is used.

  • Segmentation

    We can group different data points based on commonalities to show you how various aspects of your business break down.

  • Survey Best Practices

    We follow industry-standard guidelines necessary for collecting accurate data.

  • Principal Component Analysis

    We will divide uncorrelated data into principal components to make it easier to analyze them in relation to your business operations.

  • Trend Analysis

    We use this method of pattern recognition for noticing previously unclear trends, allowing us to provide you with up-to-date information that you can act on in your industry.

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Contact us today to find out more. Our experts are more than happy to explain to you our affordable survey process, and how we generate actionable results.

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