Market Entry Consulting
Services from Research Optimus

Research Optimus (ROP) provides expert Market Entry Strategy Consulting services using specific market knowledge that facilitates planning, development, and execution of market entry strategies. Our market entry strategy team in India includes specialized language experts who can mine key data from both developed and emerging markets.

We have been lending our expertise to MNCs, SMEs, startups, and Fortune 5,000 companies from across North America and Europe for over a decade, helping them make informed decisions on entering new markets.

To know why we are the chosen white-label market entry strategy consulting partner for leading businesses, contact us today.

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Ways Research Optimus
Can Help with Market Entry Strategies

Stepping into new territories is often accomplished via a team effort — as part of your team, ROP
can provide help in many different ways:

  • Global Markets Overview

    ROP can provide a detailed preview of different global market alternatives by examining currency valuations, macroeconomic trends, banking environments, and market conditions.

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  • Cultural Research

    ROP ensures that you don't overlook cultural differences, local consumer behavior, religious factors, organizational challenges, and prevailing management practices before you enter a new market.

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  • Recruiting Support

    ROP provides customized job descriptions that are consistent with prevailing conditions such as legal guidelines, languages, and cultural contexts.

  • Import/Export Consulting

    Through effective networking ROP reviews licensing regulations, searches for partners, and examines export/import guidelines.

  • Product Localization

    To facilitate sales and provide a competitive edge ROP guides localizing packaging and product features to refine the product and service offering in each specific market.

  • Market Feasibility Studies

    ROP prepares you for specific markets by looking into market entry barriers, competitors, legal challenges, and business obstacles through candid assessment such as SWOT and PEST analysis.

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  • Legal Research

    ROP assembles detailed research about reporting standards, national and local laws, corruption issues, best practices, employment laws, and prevailing wage regulations.

  • Business Formation Support

    ROP alerts you to detailed guidelines involved in business registration, setting up representative offices, establishing a virtual office, and instituting an interim management team.

  • Language Research

    The ROP market strategy team translates business/legal documents, prepares presentations and marketing material in key languages, and identifies local interpreters and translators.

  • M&A Services

    To identify potential partners and aid with all M&A aspects, our team can perform due diligence, prepare pitch presentations, develop financial models, analyze financial data and assemble information memorandums.

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  • Business Opportunities Identification

    To help you create a business routine in a new market we can apprise you of new developments via periodic newsletters, detailed updates, and more targeted ad hoc notifications.

  • Quantitative and Qualitative Research

    ROP conducts detailed research such as in-depth interviews, online surveys, focus groups, and mail surveys to identify consumer needs that are currently under-served in the existing market environment. More about quantitative and qualitative market research services

  • Marketing Research

    We compile comprehensive data to support a successful marketing strategy including trade show representation, advertising campaigns, conferences, and other networking events, media planning, and public relations.

  • Site Selection

    We can help with the entire site selection process, from identifying suitable locations, providing on-site inspections, searching for property acquisition partners to communicating with tax advisers, legal experts, and real estate agents.

  • Tax Reports

    Our reports will provide insights about compliance, tax rates, and regulations, taxing authorities, payment procedures, tax strategies, and tax due diligence so you can see how taxes will impact your bottom line.

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  • Competitive Analysis

    ROP compiles an in-depth analysis of potential competitors through market overviews, company profiles, and analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in new target markets.More about competitive analysis services

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  • Network Creation

    ROP helps you create your network by identifying partners such as distributors, suppliers, lenders, attorneys, joint venture candidates, accountants, and franchise partners.

  • Foreign Direct Investment

    ROP briefs you on all pertinent foreign investment parameters by creating reports that cover reporting requirements and national/local regulations.

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  • Logistics Support

    ROP analyzes the entire logistics network operating in each market entry area including cost comparisons and selection of local logistics providers.

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Market Entry Consulting Services
— The Research Optimus Benefits

Here are five key primary benefits when you select ROP as your partner in developing and implementing market entry strategies:

ROP is uniquely qualified to help with networking opportunities in new markets

ROP has extensive experience in foreign markets and can leverage an existing network to accelerate many market entry processes. This will help you "hit the ground running" as you begin working in countries where you don't have an existing network of partners.

Helps you finalize a market entry strategy without adding employees before you need them

ROP already has their strategy specialists in place. This expert team will help you perform as much preliminary market development work as you want before hiring any more full-time staff.

Has the skills and resources to accelerate the market evaluation process

In a competitive business world, speed is often essential to success. ROP can ensure that critical market entry strategy steps are expedited and completed so you can stay ahead of your competitors.

Has foreign language experts that are invaluable in many new markets

ROP has the requisite foreign language skills that will be conducive to both short-term and long-term success in foreign markets. Many emerging markets regularly involve multiple foreign languages, and our team can make sure you don't miss a keyword or phrase.

ReOP can help with market entry strategy development from start to finish

ROP can "do it all" as you evaluate, plan and execute your successful entry into new markets. Our consulting expertise will also come in handy as you move beyond market entry to future business phases.

An Easier Path to Foreign Market Opportunities

When you are evaluating whether to enter a new market (or not), a prudent and time-
tested solution is to include an affordable research partner that has specialized expertise
in developing and emerging countries — Research Optimus.

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