White Label Market Research
Services from India

Research Optimus (ROP) is a leading independent market research agency. We work with global research firms and corporates looking for an offshore team to handle and lead their market research projects. As an offshore research firm, our mission is to offer significant cost advantage to all our customers

We offer an extensive range of white-label market research services for guiding organizations towards sustainable business growth. We do this by offering a single-window experience for businesses to understand their target markets, customers, and competitors and empower them with actionable market information and financial insights.

ROP’s market research team is based out of Bangalore, India and our customers are spread across North America, Europe, Middle East, and Australia. Our clients include leading research agencies, large enterprises, SMEs and several names from the Fortune 5000 companies.

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White Label
Market Research Expertise

Here are the specialized market research services delivered from our office in india:

  • Market Entry Research

    ROP compiles detailed market entry reports that cover factors such as PESTEL analysis, market sizing, sector-specific and general regulations, and market entry barriers.

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  • Market Feasibility Studies

    ROP often uses SWOT and PEST analyses to prepare detailed market feasibility studies. We include business obstacles, legal challenges, competitors and market entry barriers.

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  • Market Sizing Research

    ROP evaluates market potential or the total market revenue for data-informed decision-making. Enables you to enter a new market, launch a new product, or expand within a market.

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  • Market Trend Reports

    ROP examines new developments and trends. This report typically includes regulatory changes, product trends, consumer behavior developments, economic forecasts and technology trends.

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  • Market Segmentation Reports

    ROP performs Geographic segmentation (demographic, socioeconomic, and characteristic lifestyle study) that includes in-depth analysis of product pricing, preferences, priorities, interests, and needs of the consumer concerning different geographical markets.

  • Primary Research

    ROP provides primary market research help with alternatives such as focus groups, CATI, interviews, CAWI, and questionnaires.

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  • Quantitative Research

    ROP conducts quantitative market research using data analysis, online and mail studies, Q&A testing, modeling of empirical data and advanced statistical methods.

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  • Qualitative Research

    ROP provides qualitative market research such as discussion group moderation, surveys, focus groups and interviews with industry experts and customers.

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  • Customer Analysis

    ROP analyzes customers for market research by developing behavioral analysis, demographic profiles, target market analysis, customer profiles, need and gap analysis, and customer parameters.

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  • Competitive Analysis

    ROP examines key potential competitors in new markets. Featuring website analysis, pricing strategies, benchmarking and SWOT analysis.

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  • Risk Analysis

    ROP evaluates risk factors anticipated for new products and markets. We include threat identification, quantitative risk modeling, probabilities and suggestions for countermeasures.

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  • Product Research

    ROP identifies and screens new product ideas. Our approaches include customer satisfaction testing, identifying desired features and testing both products and packaging.

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  • Advertising Research

    ROP researches advertising channels such as Google AdWords and offline ads by examining social media studies, cost-benefit analysis, and performance measurement.

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  • Media Research

    ROP analyzes all the key media channels to assess marketing effectiveness of media alternatives such as music, radio, TV, online, offline, print media, and social media.

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  • SWOT Analysis

    ROP identifies practical strategic alternatives in new and existing markets using the TOWS matrix and assessing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

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  • Data Analytics

    reviews how data analytics methods can make market research more efficient and accurate. Alternatives include big-data analysis, multi-dimensional scaling, multivariate techniques, discrete choice analysis, conjoint analysis and data mining.

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  • Sales Analysis

    ROP applies multi-level sales analysis that can encompass localized sources such as individual branches or sales breakdowns for entire groups and countries.

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  • Business Intelligence Dashboard

    ROP facilitates easier access to critical market research data with customized reports involving performance scorecards and data visualization for specific departments, managers, and executives.

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  • Industry Reports

    ROP assesses market conditions in particular sectors. These feature industry-specific metrics, key challenges, major players and changing conditions.

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  • Legal and Regulatory Reports

    ROP enables businesses to stay abreast of regulatory and legal issues such as valuation guidelines, tax structures, and compliance requirements.

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  • Restaurant Market Research

    To deal with high-degree of competition, low margin, and sustainable approach to balance the profit, ROP assists in analyzing the opportunities and risks in the food industry.

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  • Commodity Market Research

    ROP evaluates the target market from the demand and supply point of view to forecast the commodity market related to energy, agriculture, livestock, and metal.

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  • Healthcare Market Research

    In this overly saturated healthcare market, ROP brings the competitive edge in the form of healthcare market insights to further refine your operational efficiency.

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Pricing and Engagement

Pricing and Engagement

Flexible hourly pricing methodology for one-time research needs, and dedicated full-time equivalent resource allocation for on-going projects.

Quality System

Quality System

ISO 9001:2008 standard quality assurance and defined quality polices to ensure data collection and presentation accuracy levels are consistent.

Project Security

Project Security

Customer information and project confidentiality secured by Non-disclosure Agreements and project data by workstation security policies.

Other Consumer Research Support

Data Analysis

Our team helps your business utilize the mass amounts of internal and external data. Analysis can reveal key industry trends, cycles, and other information that can provide you with a competitive edge.

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Survey Analysis

Our survey analysis turns the data and information collected through surveys into information that helps your business make decisions. Our team can identify points of inflection and other critical factors.

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Brand Research

Customer perception and their needs are essential to developing and moving your brand forward. Our experts help with everything from logo selection to choosing the best holiday promotion.

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Market Research Surveys

Knowing your customers and end markets is critical for your business but takes time and expertise to do thoroughly. Our service will make sure you have the greatest understanding of your market.

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Research Optimus

Companies Avail the Following
Benefits by Offshoring to ROP

When you are exploring when and how to outsource market research services, keep these significant ROP benefits in mind:

Benefits by Offshoring to ROP

Unbiased and accurate information and verifies the validity of third-party market research data

Offers timely and cost-effective primary research services that enable companies of all sizes to use original research data

Latest research tools, techniques, and skillsets to provide market research results that based on modern data analytics processe

Comply with current industry-specific regulatory and legal reports and guarantee that your compliance departments are always aware of the latest legal changes in both existing and new markets

Economic valuation experts provide fast turnarounds whenever you need taxation or accounting support for new market areas

Media research and advertising experts to help you optimize marketing expenditures for new products and markets

Independent product research services that facilitate a prudent preview of consumer reactions and buying decisions before making final strategic choices

Benefits by Offshoring to ROP

Research Optimus — The Leading White Label Market Research Firm

ROP provides a practical way to outsource market research needs — we will save you time and money without compromising quality.

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