Retail Market Research Services
from Research Optimus

To help retail organizations thrive in this challenging business environment, Research Optimus (ROP) provides an extensive collection of research services for retail industry clients.

ROP provides insightful data and recommendations that help retail decision-makers establish retail branches in the best locations. Our cost-effective white-label research services make us a preferred partner of research agencies and retailers in the food, grocery, clothing, and e-commerce business from across the globe.

We have a growing team of market research experts who work from Bangalore, India. To know more about how our research services have befitted several retail customers, contact us today.

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Ways We Can Provide
Retail Market Research Services

ROP provides a diversified portfolio of retail industry research services:

  • Market Entry Research

    ROP can create customized reports that help you overcome market entry barriers like SWOT parameters, legal restrictions, technological challenges, current players, and all pertinent market characteristics.

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  • Portfolio Analysis

    ROP employs the most appropriate methods to analyze portfolios including competitor benchmarking, BCG Matrix, idea generation, McKinsey Matrix, and SWOT analysis.

  • Location Screening

    ROP compiles a detailed location analysis that includes sales forecasts, location comparisons, cost analysis, potential consumer reach, and real estate analysis.

  • Supply Chain Market Research

    ROP identifies suppliers and logistics companies at an early stage providing an in-depth cost comparison, analysis of service and product packages, and developing presentations before the negotiating process.

  • Data Analysis

    Our data analysis team examines all sales and retailer performance data and then prepares actionable reports that feature insightful graphs as well as direct access to research analysts.

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  • Business Intelligence Dashboard

    ROP supplies all you need to develop a customized business intelligence dashboard for designated departments and decision-makers including data visualization.

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  • Macroeconomic Analysis

    ROP analyzes macroeconomic indicators such as household spending, demographics, employment, and consumer spending.

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  • Technological Updates

    ROP helps you stay up-to-date with periodic updates about new technologies and trends

  • Competitive Analysis

    ROP takes a detailed look at your competitors by examining strategies, company profiles, market share, market positioning, pricing, portfolios, and SWOT analysis.

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  • Connected Industry Analysis

    ROP analyzes all relevant industries such as electronics, household goods, furniture, and connected services that enable you to build upon existing and related businesses that might reduce risk exposure.

  • Presentation Creation

    ROP creates persuasive and informative presentations often needed for audiences such as investors or suppliers.

  • Retail Sales Analysis

    ROP converts all point of sale data into actionable information for decision-makers including sales forecasts, ROI calculation, detailed store-level analysis, and store execution statistics.

  • Consumer Behavior Analysis

    ROP assesses consumer behavior by performing quantitative and qualitative studies with pattern analysis, online surveys, trend analysis, and questionnaires.

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  • Finance Support

    ROP ensures that you are always using accurate financial analysis including M&A transactions, financial reports, financial forecasts, key performance indicators, benchmarking analysis, financial modeling, and tax research

  • Mystery Shopping

    ROP enables you to take full advantage of mystery shoppers, both online and in physical stores with relevant evaluation criteria and mystery shopping reports.

  • E-Commerce & Internet Industry Market Research

    ROP evaluates e-commerce platforms and channels including mobile innovations, social media research, and critical support during marketing campaigns directed at online markets.

  • Primary Market Research

    ROP conducts direct research like mystery shopping, expert interviews, mail surveys, online questionnaires, consumer surveys, and competitor interviews.

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  • Product Research

    ROP performs research and prepares reports that help to identify products and services that provide the best fit for a client's portfolio with technological and pricing research

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  • Industry Reports

    ROP provides in-depth analysis that covers the future outlook, recent and upcoming events, overview of retail stores and chains, and retail industry trends.

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  • Legal Research

    ROP gives you a complete and cost-effective overview of wide-ranging legal issues such as reporting standards, export regulations, and pertinent laws and legal guidelines in each country.

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  • Multi-Channel Marketing Research

    ROP identifies which of your marketing channels are most effective, zeroing in on channel-specific consumer preferences and cost-benefit analyses of each channel.

  • Retail Analytics

    ROP has a team of data analytics experts to perform data mining, big data predictive analysis, quantitative modeling, text analysis, forecasting, and statistical analysis.

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Helping Retailers Improve the Bottom Line

When your retail organization is looking for new and better ways to improve the bottom line, don't forget the 22 specialized retail market research services offered by Research Optimus.

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