Category Archive Research – General'

4 Big Data Implementation Dos and Don'ts 18 Oct 2019

4 Big Data Implementation Dos and Don’ts

With the worldwide adoption of data capturing and data analysis, everyone is running to catch up with technology. Though we know there is real value in having access to data, we are sti

The Role of Desk Research in a Project 24 Sep 2019

Desk Research Provides Necessary Background for a Project

What is Desk Research? The phrase “desk research” is almost deceptively simple. Almost. However, what that phrase doesn’t tell you is

Competitive Intelligence to Remain Profitable In Economic Crisis 05 Apr 2019

How Important Is Competitive Intelligence for Marketing?

Competitive intelligence can be most simply described as gathering and analyzing data about your competitors and their consumers, target audiences, and other forces that could influence your marketing. How this data is gather

Social Media: Your Tool for Effective Brand Marketing 19 Feb 2019

Social Media: Your Tool for Effective Brand Marketing

Social media is one of the most trusted and popular sources for consumer-generated product reviews and brand ratings. According to a study by NM Incite, 60% of consumers discover products through social media platforms. It's

Market Research for Product Development and Launch 06 Sep 2018

Market Research for Product Development and Launch

The market is oversaturated with consumer products, yet the pursuit of developing and releasing new product innovations remains a widespread business objective for both startups and established companies. Businesses need to develop products that can

Financial Modeling for Entrepreneurs 09 Jul 2018

Financial Modeling for Entrepreneurs

Essentially, an abstract representation of a financial situation, financial modeling has many uses, especially in decision-making and financial analysis. Many investors are no longer interested in just the “bottom-line potential” of a company, an

Melding Human Insight and Machine Learning to Better Understand Customers 10 Apr 2018

Melding Human Insight and Machine Learning to Better Understand Customers

“The potential benefits are huge; everything that civilization has to offer is a product of human intelligence; we cannot predict what we might achieve when this intelligence is magnified by the tools that AI may provide…” Stephen Hawking famou

How Should Investors Handle Cryptocurrency Price Volatility? 13 Mar 2018

How Should Investors Handle Cryptocurrency Price Volatility?

Dealing with cryptocurrency price volatility, which can be extreme, to say the least, is difficult for virtually any investor. How can an investor, especially those new to cryptocurrencies, deal with price fluctuations and expect to make a profit in

How Predictive Analytics Is Benefitting Supply Chain and Logistics Industry 19 Dec 2017

How Predictive Analytics Is Benefitting Supply Chain and Logistics Industry

Predictive analytics is being applied toward all facets of business operations and processes to help anticipate events, avoid risks, and create solutions. By forecasting future supply chain and logistical events, companies can gain a competitive adva

Visual Analytics for High Dimensional Data Sets 24 Oct 2017

Visual Analytics for High Dimensional Data Sets

When dealing with data, being able to read and understand it in a relatable way is integral to business success and competition. In the current world of Big Data, we have to process massive amounts of data and find patterns in order to use it for fur